We can safely claim that Aviator Hack is a scam for sure, and the same goes for any application that is connected or that is derived from this hack. Aviator hack is not only one app, it is actually a recurring scam that reappears from time to time in various shapes. Sometimes it is just an app that claims it is able to calculate the next multiplier, sometimes it is an add-on for your browser, etc. But whatever shape or name it is using, one thing is sure, it is impossible to calculate or hack the Aviator game. It is simply due to the fact that Aviator is not using any calculation or algorithm based on any formula, it is just using a random number generator. The whole point of the random number generator is that the number chosen is independent of any number chosen before it, and it is actually a simulation of pulling out the ball with a number out of the blind bag. Same as you can’t calculate or hack pulling the numbers out of the bag, it is impossible to do it with a random number generator as well.
What is Aviator Hack?
Aviator Hack is most often just an app for which developers claim it can predict the next multiplier in the Aviator by using some advanced calculations. Developers never explain to us what kind of mathematics they are using for this task, and never reveal anything about their app besides that claim. Needless to say, there are no video proofs of the application actually working properly. Sometimes on Youtube or in their Telegram channels, you will be able to see some videos, but they are so obviously fake. Usually, you will see a guy playing a free version of the game without making any bets, and then there is just a split screen with his phone where you can see that app is guessing correctly, but the split screen was so obviously added later. And anyway, if he has all the results, why doesn’t he prove it to us by playing a round and cashing out the money a moment just before the end of the round?
Where Can you Find Aviator Predictor App
Aviator hack is a bit hard to be found simply because due to many scams, it is blocked and erased from stores again and again. But of course, people who are making this kind of scam will always make new versions. So even if you search some official app stores you will come across some versions of the hack, and they will usually be distributed for free. But be careful, once you start using it, you will get a disclaimer that it is a demo version that will not be able to predict results as well as the premium version of the app. And that is where the scam begins since you will be asked to contact them through some of the apps that offer total anonymity and to send money to them in exchange for a premium version. The free version is actually made just as a simple random number generator similar to Aviator, and will just drop random numbers for you. Since Aviator has an RTP of 97%, some players will lose money, but some will also win by accident. Those that win money will therefore think that the app has a pretty good prediction rate and that the premium one will surely work even better and lead them to making a bigger profit. Unfortunately, premium application doesn’t exist at all, and after sending money to the people that made the free app they will just disappear without sending you anything in return.
Can it Really Predict Results
It is absolutely impossible that anyone can ever predict the result of any random event, provided that the random generator is properly made. For Aviator we can be sure that the random number generator is working as it should because any distortion from mathematical expectations would lead to some players finding logic behind it and they would start winning too much, which would force casinos to stop offering the Aviator. Since Aviator is still possible to be played and casinos still make money on it, we can be sure that everything is ok with its multiplier generator. Also, as with any casino game, the development of this one is done by big teams of mathematicians and programmers, and millions of dollars are always invested in it. Every game is designed in such a fashion that the chances of hacking it are nonexistent, for example, the multiplier for the next round is decided just before the round, so even if you have a way to calculate the multiplier that will happen, you have no time to do it before the round has already started, which means you will lose all of the rounds that have small multipliers. Also, nobody has any data about their number generator, so it is impossible to replicate the process. And even if you would replicate the process, it would be the same as if one guy reaches into the blind bag and takes out a number, and you do the same after him with the same bag. The only thing that would happen is you pulling out just a random number and that wouldn’t help your prediction at all.
Is Aviator Bot Safe for Using?
The safety of the Aviator bot is really a questionable thing. For sure sending money to a person that promises you an Aviator Hack will lead to only losing money because nobody can send you a working application that predicts the next multiplier. But even free versions of the Aviator Bot are something that can be of concern, installing a free application of an unknown origin is always a huge risk. There can be various types of spyware installed along with it, and most of us have our phones connected to some sort of bank account or PayPal account. Installing stuff like that on your phone is exposing you to huge risks and can lead to losing huge amounts of money.
It is very concerning that every installation or buying of those apps is always redirected to some other channels, with which we leave the safety of the app store. Usually, all of the people that are offering those apps are asking for payment after which they will send you an app over email. By doing so you are basically left unprotected because all of the payment is done outside any official store.
Pros and Cons of Using Aviator Hack Bots and Apps
There can’t be a single pro of using an application that is made solely for scamming you and not providing you with anything useful. There are many cons but let’s start with the most important one – you are exposing your phone and your personal data to an application made by unknown people, for which nobody guarantees you safety. Also to get those apps you will have to pay for it upfront, usually by crypto, which cannot be tracked or retrieved once you realize you were scammed. Also having even a free app, not only is unsafe, but will also give you false confidence and you will start to bet larger amounts of money because you will be sure that you will win. That can turn out disastrous and will lead to losing all of the money you deposited.